
Desserts, Fish, Healthy recipes, Shavuot

Summer Dinner Menu

Now that summer is almost in full swing, I am looking to make light, healthy, delicious dinners.  I came across an article last week from a magazine that I subscribe to called Southern Living.  It’s a great magazine with real southern charm.  It features tips on hospitality and cooking, and […]

Desserts, Popular Recipes


I am writing this at my parent’s living room table in Sydney, Australia. Pesach has now “passed over” (sorry I couldn’t resist), and we are enjoying the last few days of our down-under Pesach vacation. I could not resist using an Australian recipe while writing the article here. This was […]


Strawberry short cakes cup cakes

This Friday according to the website is National Strawberry Short Cake Day.  Here is my recipe but I make them as cupcakes.  I developed this recipe a few summers ago while I was teaching cooking classes  at Camp Dina, a sleep away summer camp for girls.  It was a […]